Sunday, October 30, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Homework: Week of October 31- November 4, 2011

Math: Study Links 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, *Read Family Letter for Unit 4

IXL at your leisure and at your level

Literacy: BE PREPARED for Literature Circle Discussion Groups on Nov. 2nd and Nov. 4th

Reading: 30 minutes each night (10 minutes out loud)

Raz- Kids at your leisure and at your assigned level

CHOOSE new book and especially a new genre for your November Book Review- begin reading!

Writing: In Reading Log each night (Choose Reading Response Activity 1-60)

Sharing the Planet WORD STUDY-due Monday Nov. 7th

Unit of Inquiry: researching about uses and value of Forests

***Write Reflection on our Field Trip to Fruska Gora Forest


Do you have any old or broken electronic appliances: radios, CD players, computers, monitors, keyboards, extension cords, hair dryers, toasters? If you would like to dispose of these appliances in a proper manner, you'll have the opportunity to do so on November 6th from 10 a.m. to 3p.m; in front of the Faculty of Philosophy (Plato) on Cika Ljubina

With support from US Embassy Public Diplomacy, a very dynamic group of USGovernment exchange students been collecting more than 20 tons of electronic waste all across Serbia for the past two years.

Come join them in taking care of Serbia! Be part of RECYCLETON 2011!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Happy Halloween!
This is just the most adorable kitten!

Monday, October 24, 2011

FROM MR. L re RAZ KIDS and IXLonline resources

  • RAZ Kids- Students in grades Kg-5 will be bringing home passwords and login information for RAZ Kids. RAZ Kids is an on-line resource for students to read levelled reading books on-line. The resources also has a recording component where students can record their readings and listen to them the very same day. Readings also come complete with comprehension question and the opportunity to listen to the stories before reading them. Students will need access to the internet to access this resource.
  • IXL- Students in grades Kg-5 will also be getting new IXL accounts. This web-based resource will help students with their mathematics skills. Check out the site with your children, once they bring home their passwords and login in information. You can have a look now at: Students will need access to internet to access this resource.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Homework: Week of October 24-28, 2011

Math: Study Links 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 & STUDY for Unit 3 Test, on THURS DAY! *Read Family Letter for Unit 4: DECIMALS

Literacy: BE PREPARED for Literature Circle Discussion Groups on Oct.26th and Oct.28th

Literacy: BE PREPARED for October Book Presentations Oct.28th

Reading: 30 minutes each night (10 minutes out loud)

Writing: Reading Log each night (Choose Reading Response Activity 1-60)

FINAL Draft of October Book Review

Unit of Inquiry: researching about uses and value of Forests

***Write Reflection on our Guest Speaker’s Talk on ‘Importance of Saving our Environment/ Forests/Ecology’ and our Nature Walk.

Friday, October 21, 2011

4B Celebrates

After a GREAT day of Blogging, reflecting, working on our PORTFOLIOS, 4B enjoys life!
What a fun week! Next week we will have 2 visitors- Sophie on Monday 24th and Madison on Friday 28th. Also HALLOWEEN & our October Book PROJECTS!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Lorax .. a World Without Trees

Today, we read the story 'The Lorax.' The students reflected on the moral of the story, and what this book teaches us. They concluded that If we don't listen to the very important lesson this book teaches, about saving our Earth, our trees... forests, environment...we will end up destroying the very Earth that sustains us, and gives us life. We can make a difference, and we should all do our part. Otherwise imaging a world without trees, was a world to horrible to even contemplate...


Sunday, October 16, 2011

What is....?

What is a Teacher?

A facilitator, not a sage.

What is learning?

A journey, not a destination.

What is discovery?

Questioning the answers, not answering the questions.

What is the process?

Discovering ideas, not covering content.

What is the goal?

Open minds, not closed issues.

What is the test?

Being and becoming, not remembering and reviewing.

What is learning?

Not just doing things differently, but doing different things.

What is teaching?

Not showing them what to learn, but showing them how to learn

What is school?

Whatever we choose to make it.