Saturday, March 17, 2012

Benefits of Student-Led Conferences

Benefits of Student-Led Conferences:

* Students are accountable for their own learning/work, study and assignments, and are thus held responsible for their actions.

*Students learn how to set their own goals.

*Students apply their organizational skills. Students practice organizing and presenting information, which is a critical life-long skill.

* Students are encouraged to be reflective learners.

*Students’ self-esteem is boosted and they have the opportunity to practice their oral communication skills.

*Students practice making formal presentations.

*Parents learn much more than from just report cards. Parents are provided with a complete and in-depth view of their child’s progress.

*S L Conferences open dialogue between parents and students about strengths and weaknesses.

*Brings parents to school. Quality parent-student time is built-in, benefiting today’s busy families.

* Students present their work to parents, which is important because many parents don’t always have the opportunity to see all completed projects.

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