Saturday, March 3, 2012

Homework: Week of Mar. 5- Mar. 9, 2012

Homework: Week of Mar. 5- Mar. 9, 2012


EDM Unit 8 Study Links: Unit 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, STUDY for TEST on Thursday Mar. 8th

*Play (on-line) Math Games with your family

IXL of AREA & PERIMETER concepts explored in class, at your level- it’s FUN!


Reading: 30 minutes each night (10 minutes out loud)

Literacy: BE PREPARED for Guides Reading sessions on Mar. 7th and Mar. 9th

Raz- Kids at least 1x week and at your reading level.

Writing: In Reading Log each night (Choice-Reading Response Activity 1-60)

READ ‘just right’ book for your March Book Review- remember to CHANGE GENRE


What I know about Natural Disasters (KWL)

*Write Reflection –in Blog- on the Invention Convention, especially on your group’s RUBE GOLDBERG ‘simple’ machine, and on any other group’s Rube Goldberg, especially any you thought were super effective or innovative.

Interview your parents/family about Natural Disasters:

Which Natural Disasters do they know? Did any occur/happen when they were young? Do they/have they ever been involved in one, or have they helped out in one? Are they currently in a job that helps people who are caught in one? Where? Do they know anyone who would be willing to come in as a Guest speaker?

***Write Reflection on our Guest Speaker’s Talk on Importance of Saving people during Flooding and other Natural Disasters.

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